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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Days 161 & 162 - Fun weekend, but bad food

As expected, it was another rough weekend. We hosted a party yesterday, which was a lot of fun, but a bit rough on the waistline. We BBQed up 3 pork shoulders and a bunch of chicken breasts. People brough various salads and desserts. There was so much food in this house it was rediculous. So everyone ate, drank and had a good time. I think just about everyone went home with a doggy bag of food and we were still eating leftovers today. Guess we're still in the mindset of doing it big when it comes to food. I did have a pretty good week last week, so I'm hoping that this weekend doesn't result in another gain. Fingers crossed, I'm down a couple pounds tomorrow. My weighin in the morning will tell the tale.

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