Weight Loss Ticker

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 226 - Here comes the cold

Double meaning there. It has snowed 2 of the last 3 days so I just put my snow tires on tonight... so winter is on it's way. Also, the kids are both sick and I've started getting a scratchy throat and I'm feeling acky... so here comes my cold too. So tonight I was curled up on the couch and happened to have a few snacks in front of me. I know, not the best approach to losing weight. I'm planning on turning things around and improving my week from here on out... provided I don't get any sicker... fingers crossed.

Here's how today broke down:

- Parfait (yogurt, granola & fruit)
- Cereal
- Orange juice
- Coffee

- Ham steak
- Risotto (butter & cheese)
- Yogurt cup
- Orange
- Water

Afternoon snack:
- Yogurt cup
- Apple

- Penne with meat sauce
- Garlic bread
- Diet coke

Evening Snack:
- Chocolate balls (5 small chocolates)
- Snack mix (shared a large bag)
- Beef jerky
- Diet coke

- Snowblowed the driveway and changed 4 tires... I'm exhausted

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